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栏目:公司动态 发布时间:2022-08-30


Identifying and correcting repeat-calling errors in nanopore sequencing of telomeres
杂志:Genome Biology(IF=17.906)
作者:Kar-Tong Tan(Dana-Farber Cancer Institute)
通讯作者:李恒(Dana-Farber Cancer Institute)
解读链接:GB | Nanopore测序数据中端粒所在处序列repeat-calling错误的鉴定和纠正

Fig1. Strand-specific nanopore basecalling errors are pervasive at telomeres.



Evybactin is a DNA gyrase inhibitor that selectively kills Mycobacterium tuberculosis
杂志:Nature Chemical Biology(IF=16.174)
作者:Yu Imai(Shinshu University
通讯作者:Frédéric J. Veyrier(INRS-Centre Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie)

Fig2. The BGC of evybactin. Gene alignment of the BGC of evybactin in the producer strain. A–E are NRPS genes, and T1 and T2 are transporter genes.

亮点:The biosynthetic gene cluster (BGC) of evybactin was determined using bioinformatic analysis of the genome. The genome was sequenced by a combination of Nanopore and Illumina reads (Microbial Genome Sequencing Center (MiGS)) and assembled into two contigs with a total size of 5.5megabases.The BGC of evybactin was identified as NRPS with a core BGC spanning 49.6 kilobases.


Splicing QTL analysis focusing on coding sequences reveals mechanisms for disease susceptibility loci
杂志:Nature Communications(IF=17.694)
作者:Kensuke Yamaguchi(Tokyo Medical and Dental University)
通讯作者:Yuta Kochi(Tokyo Medical and Dental University)

亮点:We conducted long-read RNA-sequencing for the CDSI isoforms (37 isoforms in total), whose i-rQTL signals were co-localized with disease GWAS signals and whose unique splice junctions showed significant sQTL signals in LeafCutter analysis (FDR ≤ 0.05). The cDNAs were sequenced by MinION (Oxford Nanopore Technologies). We performed conventional long-read RNA-seq using 300 ng of total RNA from LCL and THP-1, then sequenced them using GridION X5 (Oxford Nanopore Technologies).


Evolution of longitudinal division in multicellular bacteria of the Neisseriaceae family
杂志:Nature Communications(IF=17.694)
作者:Sammy Nyongesa(INRS-Centre Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie)
通讯作者:Frédéric J. Veyrier(INRS-Centre Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie)

Fig4.Core genome-based phylogeny of rod-shaped, coccoid and MuLDi Neisseriaceae.

亮点: The Neisseriales order comprises the family Chromobacteriaceae and the family Neisseriaceae and more recently three additional families have been suggested, AquaspirillaceaeChitinibacteraceae and Leeiaceae. The family Neisseriaceae includes 12 genera . We selected species from each of these Neisseriaceae genera and used SMRT (PacBio) and Minion (Nanopore) technologies to obtain 21 closed genomes . Genomes obtained in this study were combined with Neisseriaceae draft genomes from the NCBI database to calculate the Average Nucleotide Identity (ANI). This enabled us to identify 75 Neisseriaceae species with genome ANI > 96%. 


Genomic Variation in the Tea Leafhopper Reveals the Basis of Adaptive Evolution
杂志:Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics(IF=6.409)
作者:Qian Zhao(福建农林大学)
通讯作者:Minsheng You(福建农林大学)

Fig5. Genomic characterization of Empoasca onukii and comparison with other insect genomes. A. Genomic characterization of the sequenced E. onukii. Track

亮点: In Asia, the tea green leafhopper (TGL), Empoasca onukii (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), represents the most devastating pest across tea plantations, causing up to 50% economic loss of tea production annually. We generated a chromosome-level genome assembly of the E. onukii by integrating Illumina short reads, Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) long reads, and high-throughput chromosome conformation capture (Hi-C). This high-quality genome resource enabled us to investigate the genetic basis of chemoreception and detoxification in this insect, key to adapting to new environments.